1901 - 1978

Joe Bonomo is my Hero
by Miriam Linna - A brief but comprehensive biography of the man, written in 1997 for Radio WFMU
Building Body Power - by Joe Bonomo
Full Reproduction of the famous 1940s Course
Contributed by Gordon Anderson

Joe Bonomo's Barbell Training Routines
(Including Dumbbells)

A most comprehensive 10 week - 226 page book
with excellent illustrations posed by the very best Bodybuilders

Contributed by Dan Weston

The Original Power-Plus Course from 1945
'For Men who want Strength - Vigor - Personality'

Full Reproduction
Includes some very good shots of Tony Sansone
Contributed by Gunther

Mighty Joe Bonomo's Famous
3 - Week Speed Course

Full Reproduction of the 1952 Book
Contributed by Gordon Anderson
Vibro - Power
3 - Week Isometric Isotonic Speed Course
by Joe Bonomo

Full Reproduction of the 1952 Pocket Book
Contributed by Gordon Anderson
The Power-Plus Cable Course - by Joe Bonomo
Full Reproduction of this progressive Strand Course from 1954
Contributed by Gordon Anderson
Joe Bonomo's Original Power-Plus Barbell
Three Week Speed Course
One of Bonomo's famous Pocket Books,
this course was issued in 1965
Contributed by Dan Weston
The Strongman - Daredevil Exploits of the Mightiest Man in the Movies
Excerpts from Joe's autobiography published in 1968

Joe Bonomo's 'GOLDEN DOZEN' Body Conditioners

A complete series (36 in total) of conditioning exercises extracted from 'The Strongman'


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